Project WHOTS - WHOI Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station

to NOAA Web site Principal funding is provided by the NOAA Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program.
Data Links
Deployed: June 2, 2024 at 03:47 UTC
Met data text files:
Daily transmission: Logger 3   Logger 8
Complete listing: Logger 3  Logger 8
plot-1 or plot-2 or plot-3
NetCDF: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
CDL: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2

Deployed: June 17, 2023 at 02:59 UTC
Met data text files:
Daily transmission: Logger 9   Logger 42
Complete listing: Logger 9  Logger 42
plot-1 or plot-2 or plot-3
NetCDF: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2
CDL: ASIMet1 - ASIMet2

See Also
Archived WHOTS data
WHOTS data at NDBC Station 51WH0

Real Time Data

The WHOTS site is WMO station 58400 (formerly 51400), and is NDBC Partner Platform 51WH0.

Hourly averaged meteorological data for the current deployment of the WHOI Hawaii Ocean Time Series Station are received via Service Argos four times daily and via Iridium transmissions hourly. Preliminary data is displayed in unedited form as time series plots, and is available for download as ASCII files.

Please see the data archive page for edited, post-recovery data from earlier deployments of this buoy.

A note on resolution, and one on ASIMet data formats.


The WHOTS 20 buoy was deployed from the R/V Sette on June 2, 2024 at 03:47 UTC at approximately 22° 41´ N 158° W. The buoy is equipped with two complete systems of ASIMET sensors which transmit data hourly via Iridium telemetry (Iridium resolution).

WHOTS imet fig 1 WHOTS imet fig 2

Last updated: 2024/06/20