Location: 34N, 70WDuration:
- Surface moorings: 1982/05/13 through 1984/05/20
NearSurface Mooring:
- Year 1: 1982/05/11 through 1983/04/12
Year 2: 1983/04/14 through 1984/05/03
Depth Bins:
- Surface moorings: 5,10,15,20,25,35,50,65,75,100m
NearSurface Mooring
- Year 1: 127,129,178,228,278,328,427,775, 1024,1521,4007m
Year 2: 98,198,248,298,348,398,448,498,598,748,998,2498,3998m
Instruments: Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMs) and Vector Averaging Current Meters (VACMs)
Time Series Plots are not yet available
Processing Notes: The basic sampling rates of the instruments were 225, 450 and 900 seconds. Data is averaged to 900 seconds.
Download Water Velocity Data
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NOTE 991203: Not all files are currently available in all formats for this data set.
2-year water velocity data from surface moorings- EPIC NetCDF
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