Upper Ocean Mooring Data Repository - FASINEX: Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment
Water Temperatures
Location: southwest of Bermuda, about 27 N, 70 WDuration: 5 months, from mid January, 1986, to mid June, 1986
Sample Rate: 7.5 minutes
Variables: Temperature
Instrumentation: See the table of current meters and the glossary of instrument types.
Processing Notes: are available in a plain text file.
Time Series plots are not yet on-line.
Download Water Temperature Data
Please see the downloading tips and the description of format options.
Note: You must download the metadata file if you plan to use the ASCII file. The ASCII files are flat files, and have no headers.
Mooring | metadata | EPIC (NetCDF) | compressed ASCII | ASCII |
Last updated: May 18, 2008